
LS Express supports item barcodes. Each barcode represents specific information about the item to which it is attached.


How to: Set a Barcode on an Item

How to: Scan an Item Barcode

How to: Configure Quantity/Weight and Price Embedded Barcodes

How to: Import Multiple Barcodes

How to: Convert Barcodes to XML


How to: Set a Barcode on an Item

  1. Path: Administration > Related > Inventory > Barcodes

  2. Add a New barcode.

Note: An item can have many barcodes, but a barcode can only be linked to one item, .

How to: Scan an Item Barcode

  • Scan the barcode with a scanner. If the barcode is linked to an item, the item will be added to the sale. Note that the focus must be on the input field when scanning.

How to: Configure Quantity/Weight and Price Embedded Barcodes

A barcode configuration can be assigned to each item. Note that LS Express does not generate any barcodes. Therefore, if the items that the store wants to sell do not come with barcodes, the solution is that you need to find a barcode generator from another source and add the barcodes to the items in the LS Express. The barcode configuration is for barcodes that have price or weight already in the barcode string.


  1. On the Administration page, select Barcode Configuration.

  2. Select New. Enter the Configuration ID and Description. Then, fill in the configuration criteria.


    How is the barcode formed?

    The barcode begins with a unique prefix. Following this prefix, a length of item identifier is employed, which identifies the type of merchandise. Then, you select the value type (quantity or price), value length and decimal places.

    Example of barcode configuration for quantity type

    When in the POS, the staff scans a barcode that will be something like 231234100C. Broken down, this is 23 Prefix, 1234 is the barcode (item identifier) set as the barcode on the item, and 100 is the quantity that will be added to the sale. So, for example, if staff scans the barcode 231234300C, 300 pieces (grams) of the same item are added to the sale.

    Example of barcode configuration for price type

    When in the POS, the staff scans a barcode that will be something like 2499910000C. Broken down, this is 24 Prefix, 999 is the barcode (item identifier) that is set as the barcode on the item, and 10000 is the item price that will be set for the sales line in the POS. So, for example, if staff scans the barcode 2499900598C, the item's price at the POS will be 598.

How to: Assign Barcode Configuration to Item

  1. Open the Items card for the item you want to configure.

  2. Enter the Barcode Configuration ID from the LS Express tab of the item card.

  3. From the Items card, select the Barcodes action.

  4. Create a new barcode that includes only the item identifier (e.g., "1234").

How to: Import Multiple Barcodes

  1. When you have a significant quantity of items, it can be handy to import multiple barcodes simultaneously. LS Express supports importing barcodes from XML files. Navigate to the barcode list from the LS Express role center, Administration > Related > Inventory > Barcodes.

  2. From the barcode list, it is possible to import and export barcodes in XML files. The XML files should be in this format:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  3. To import barcodes, click the Import Barcodes action and choose XML Barcode File.

  4. Locate your barcode XML file and import it. Once you open your file, it is imported into LS Express, and an informative notification is displayed.

  5. Some barcodes might fail to import for some reason. To see why, click the View Failed Barcodes action.

    Note: You can open the error list in Excel, make the necessary changes, and then import the failed barcodes again.

How to: Convert Barcodes to XML

Likely, that your barcode information is not in XML format. We recommend using Microsoft Excel with XML mappings to convert an Excel file containing barcodes to XML.


Learn more about How to convert barcodes in Excel to XML.