Quick Cash
The Quick cash feature can make the checkout process faster.
How to: Set up the Quick Cash
In the Administration page, go to Navigate and select Payment Method.
Locate and open the "Cash" payment method from the list of available payment methods.
After selecting the "Cash" payment method, click on the Denominations action.
Next, define the denominations by filling in the values, description and selecting either Note or Coin as the type for each denominations
For example, you can set denominations for $5, $10, $20, $50 as notes, and 50 cents, $1 as coins.
Note: Quick cash will only use the Note type to calculate the amounts.
To configure Quick Cash for cash payments, in the LS Express Administration, go to the POS Exact Payments tab.
In the Cash Payments field, choose Cash as the payment method to be used for Quick Cash.
How to: Use Quick Cash in POS
When processing a sale in the Point of Sale (POS), click on the Quick Cash tile in the Totals field.
A list of quick cash payment options will be displayed based on the denominations you defined.
Select the appropriate quick cash option that the customer is providing to pay for the purchase.
Confirm the payment by selecting Yes.
Note: The change amount will be displayed in the notification bar and also on the receipt.