Setup in LS Express
Note: LS Express operates differently from LS Central and does not require the use of a hardware station. Additionally, there is no need to install any certificate dll locally.
Configuring LS Express with Infrasec Registration Information
On the LS Express Administration page, fill in the Client Organisation No provided by Infrasec after the registration process has been finalized.
Access the LS Express Subscription Setup page by navigating to Administration > Navigate > Subscription. Here, enter the Client Registration ID for each Point of Sale (POS). This ID, also provided by Infrasec, is essential for establishing communication with their system.
The Client Organization No and Client Registration ID credentials (provided by Infrasec) remain the same whether you are operating in Test Mode or Production Mode.
By default, LS Express in Sweden operates in Test Mode when on a demo company. Prior to transitioning to a production company, it's important to perform thorough testing on a demo company. Once you have verified that everything is functioning correctly, you can then enable Production Mode to proceed with actual production sales.
Disclaimer: Once you have transitioned to a production company, avoid reverting back to test mode.
Infrasec VAT Rate Setup
On the VAT Posting Setup page, configure the SE Infrasec VAT Rate by selecting the appropriate rate options. This VAT rate represents the percentage of VAT for the customer and item.
Open the VAT Posting Setup page.
Select a VAT rate offered by Infrasec based on the VAT Bus. Posting Group and VAT Prod. Posting Group.
View Fiscal Entries
After finalizing a POS transaction, LS Express submits the VAT details to Infrasec. To view the status of posted POS transactions, follow these steps:
Click the action Navigate > View Fiscal Entries on the Administration page.
Note: The fiscal entry table is empty during the initial setup.
Once a transaction has been finalized in the POS, LS Express will upload the payment information to the Infrasec CCU service.
To see transaction details, including the client ID, transaction ID, signature ID, and VAT information, open the Infrasec Transaction Card by selecting the Entry No. from the Fiscal Entry table.
If the connection to the Infrasec cloud CCU (Central Control Unit) is temporarily lost, there might be transactions in the Fiscal Entry table that have not been successfully uploaded to the CCU. In such cases:
Check for lines with the status Error in the Fiscal Entry table, indicating unsuccessful uploads.
To resubmit these lines to the CCU, select the corresponding line(s) and click the Upload action.
Note: The Fiscal Entry table is not editable, and data cannot be altered or deleted directly.